Hair Services
Womens - $45-70
Mens - $35-60
Bang Trim - $12-20
Children (<10yrs) - $35-60
Shampoo & Blowdry - $40-64
Formal Styling - $72-100
Bridal Formal Styling $92-120
Perm* - $77-124+ (price dependent on length of hair)
Spiral Perm*-MP (Requires consultation)
Smoothing * - MP (Requires consultation)
Conditioning Treatment - $19-32+
Color (Up to 4oz)* - $65-86+
Camo Color (Mens)* - $35-56+
Full Foil Highlights/Lowlights* - $105-130+
Partial Foil Highlights/Lowlights* - $85-110+
Balayage - MP (Requires consultation to determine cost)
Ombe - MP (Requires consultation to determine cost)
Fashion Colors - MP (Requires consultation to determine cost )
* - Does not include Haircut or Styling
MP - Consultation needed to determine cost